Practical information

Educational Objectives

Educational Objectives   Grades/groups 1 and 2 In these infants’ groups (age 4 and 5) we work on the basis of themes e.g. traffic, summertime, autumn, spring. In a playful way the children learn how their world works. We give much attention to language acquisition, because this is the basis for learning. We use the method 'Logo 3000' for this and this method is also used by kindergarten De Bennekel in our city district. In every theme there are walk-in mornings, which means that the parents can play with their children in the group during the first 20 minutes. Parents will be regularly informed of the coming theme by a theme booklet in groups 1 and 2.   Groups 3 – 8 In group 3 children start learning the basic skills: reading, writing, (Dutch) language and arithmetic. For this we use modern methods with the latest educational insights. We think it is important that learning links up with the child’s world. Learning should not be dull but fascinating and challenging for all children. That is why the children of group 3 work in corners every day, corners where they put  the skills taught into practice. The varying corners are adapted to the children’s level and the educational goals are fitting to the methods.   Reading In groups 1 and 2 we start reading to the children in an interactive way. This in preparation of the reading lessons, which are started in group 3. We use the latest edition of “Veilig Leren Lezen” ( Learning to Read in a Safe way). We pay a lot of attention to technical reading and learning to understand the text. In the higher groups increasing emphasis is put on reading comprehension and information processing. Reading comprehension makes clear if the children have understood the text.   Dutch language De Kameleon works with the method “Staal” (“Steel”) In every theme “Staal” lays a strong foundation of knowledge. The first two weeks the children gain knowledge; in the third week they process this knowledge in a publication or presentation of their own making. They really get busy with language. An excellent preparation for later. In “Staal” the pupils work with sources, texts and photos that they also come across outside the classroom. They work towards a meaningful end product. “Staal” does not make the children write for the teacher, but makes language-teaching functional and realistic.   Writing In groups 1 and 2 we start with preparatory writing exercises. In group 3 children start writing joined-up. We think it is important that children first acquire a handwriting with a clear lettertype. For this purpose we use a modern writing method that gives sufficient attention to the development of fine motor skills both for righthanded and lefthanded children. From group 6 the method also provides for creative writing, a first step towards the development of a personal handwriting.   Arithmetic and maths In groups 3-8 we use the latest edition of “Wereld in Getallen” (World in Numbers). In these lessons we teach the children to solve practical problems from daily life. They learn to read and make tables and graphs themselves. Of course they also learn tables of multiplication, ciphering, fraction and percent sums etc.   English In groups 7 and 8 English is taught with the method “Blink Engilisch”. With “Groove me” you learn to speak, write, read, listen and sing English.   World orientation and traffic From group 5 we enlarge the children’s world by means of the teaching methods of “Blink Wereld”. These methods start from activating didactics through which pupils set out discovering and investigating themselves. So they are not again busy with reading comprehension but actively augment their knowledge of the world. This process positively influences their skills in reading, language and arithmetic. On the basis of themes children are actively involved every lesson and develop various 21st century skills.   In all groups attention is paid to traffic, traffic rules and traffic safety, so important for children. In group 7 children get a written and a practical traffic test. Regularly we avail ourselves of the project “Streetwise” organised in cooperation with ANWB ( AA, Automobile Association). Besides we have a traffic square of our own in the schoolground where especially the lower groups practice traffic situations.   Physical Education PE In the infants’ groups PE is in the timetable every day. From group 3 the children have a gym class in the gym twice a week. Once a week this class is given by their regular teacher and once a week by the subject teacher. Besides learning various forms of motion the children learn game insight in play, as well as sportmanslike and social behaviour and engagement. Our PE subject teacher also provides for after school activities on Friday. Expression activities Nowadays  practically all modern methods offer practice exercises in the creative field such as creative language use, art tasks and dramatic expression. Moreover the pupils are also taught definite techniques in handcrafts and drawing. It is of great importance that they can express their ceativity and enjoy handling materials.   


At our school we pay attention to (out-of-school) activities every year. These activities are prepared and organized by a working group. These working groups are composed at the beginning of a school-year. Both teachers and parents from the parents’ council are members of the working groups.   The activities organized are: Sports and games day Schooltrip Carnival celebration St. Nicholas celebration International Children’s Party Christmas celebration Easter celebration Children’s Books Week  Besides this all groups go on an excursion and there is a cultural offer. For the groups 1-4 the excursions are near the school e.g. a visit to Genneper Farm, the children’s farm, a restaurant or an autumn walk.                                                                                                    Cultural Education For all groups there is an offer of culture on which we put a high value. During their school career all children must come into contact with the following aspects: dance, drama, music, visual arts, literature, national heritage, design and visual culture. In this field we cooperate with Cultuurstation (Culture Station); with their expertise and offer we have developed an ongoing line.   After School Activities Mr Rick As of the 2023-2024 school year, we will be working with 'Meneer Rick'. Mr. Rick offers after-school activities on Mondays for all students of our school. Various activities are offered in blocks of 4-6 weeks, appropriate to the age of the students. Think of sports, cooking, making music, urban sports, messing around, dancing and pimping all kinds of stuff. Just take a look at the website. MadScience In addition to these activities from Mister Rick, we also offer lessons from Mad Science after school time. If you love science and technology and you enjoy doing all kinds of experiments, then these after-school activities are for you. A block of lessons is offered per period and children can register for this. Take a look at their website. Dynamo Youth Work For students from groups 6 to 8, homework guidance is offered at our school in collaboration with Dynamo Youth Work. One afternoon a week, the children can go there after school if they want help with their homework or simply because they enjoy doing their homework together with others. Furthermore, the youth workers of Dynama in the Dommel (community centre) also offer various activities in which the children can participate. The flyer with the current offer can be found on our site, under the 'News' overview. Or take a look at their website. Vocabulary We offer the children of groups 1-4 vocabulary lessons. Children that can benefit from extra support in learning the Dutch language, can be registered by the regular teacher. On two days a week there are various volunteers who offer the  Dutch language to groups of 3 children in a playful way. They link up with the themes of the school.


Transition from primary school to secondary school In group 6 we start the procedure for the connection from primary to secondary education. This procedure is explained to the parents on a parents’ evening in groups 7 and 8. Parents learn about all forms of secondary education and the enrolment procedure. Moreover they are given information material including the dates and times of the open days of secondary schools.   The children of groups 7 and 8 are informed of secondary education by means of a series of lessons. They learn what sorts of secondary education there are and what qualities/ elements are important there. At the end of group 7 the pupils get a preliminary advice and in group 8 there is an advice talk with parents and pupil in February/ May. The advice is carefully decided on the basis of - cito tests (from group 6 to 8), - the result of the NIO ( Dutch Intelligence test for Education level), - results of the tests of the teaching methods, - pupil characteristics, - the opinion of the teachers of groups 7 and 8, - the care team and - the schooldirection. This school advice is binding and only a higher result of the IEP final school test can cause a reconsideration. The advice can be maintained or upgraded, not downgraded.   The end test Every year the pupils of groups 8 do an test. At our school we have selected the IEP as test. In the individual pupil report you read the number of tasks of the subjects reading, language and arithmetic. You also see the number  of correct answers of your child. The report also states the reference level that your child has scored per subject. To determine the school advice the rough scores in reading, language and arithmetic are transposed to a standard score which runs from 50 to 100. We translate these  standardscores into the matching schooltypes. In this we start from a classification in 7 learning paths:                               

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