Transition from primary school to secondary school
In group 6 we start the procedure for the connection from primary to secondary education. This procedure is explained to the parents on a parents’ evening in groups 7 and 8. Parents learn about all forms of secondary education and the enrolment procedure. Moreover they are given information material including the dates and times of the open days of secondary schools.
The children of groups 7 and 8 are informed of secondary education by means of a series of lessons. They learn what sorts of secondary education there are and
what qualities/ elements are important there.
At the end of group 7 the pupils get a preliminary advice and in group 8 there is an advice talk with parents and pupil in February/ May.
The advice is carefully decided on the basis of
- cito tests (from group 6 to 8),
- the result of the NIO ( Dutch Intelligence test for Education level),
- results of the tests of the teaching methods,
- pupil characteristics,
- the opinion of the teachers of groups 7 and 8,
- the care team and
- the schooldirection.
This school advice is binding and only a higher result of the IEP final school test can cause a reconsideration. The advice can be maintained or upgraded, not downgraded.
The end test
Every year the pupils of groups 8 do an test. At our school we have selected the IEP as test. In the individual pupil report you read the number of tasks of the subjects reading, language and arithmetic. You also see the number of correct answers of your child. The report also states the reference level that your child has scored per subject.
To determine the school advice the rough scores in reading, language and arithmetic are transposed to a standard score which runs from 50 to 100. We translate these standardscores into the matching schooltypes. In this we start from a classification in 7 learning paths: